Birgitta Jonsdottir of Reykjavik, Iceland, who describes herself as a multiartist and webcreator, is also Webmaster for xnet internetcafe and the Director of Telepoetics. She is ranked among the top webdesigners of Iceland, has designed most of the nation's major cultural sites and produced Iceland's first live video and sound broadcast on the Internet. She is also known as "The Chameleon," a travelling poet, particularly renown for her blend of poetry, art and technology. Her goal, she says, is "to be a creative artist without selling my soul and to unite us earthlings in the cause of our mother." She calls her website "little worlds of creations":
Merilene M. Murphy, president of Telepoetics, Inc., and Telepoetics/Los Angeles, offers the Telepoetics network, which includes AVideoZine, CORPORATEDIGEST (new and fancy with a Free-CGI redirect so you can now use pull-down menus and click a button to find Telepoetics Network Directors, Resources, Venues and Affiliates!), CORPORATE DIGEST (What's New is a good place to check for updates all the time. You'll see our welcomes to new Network Directors, etc., and updates to corporate projects, such as the Business Plan and Training/Employment opportunities), GLOBALGALLERY (a fun posting of some of the Telepoetics Network Directors' art), FRIENDZONE (featuring Peter J. Harris, Wendy James, Birgitta Jonsdottir and the Watts Prophets), IN THE HAUS (links to creative spirits around the world), and LIVE&INTERACTIVE (a storehouse of tech resources and experiences). You can find all of these at
Danika Dinsmore is co-founder and executive director of Northwest SPokenword Lab (SPLAB!) in /Auburn, WA, at
Robert Bove (the "e" gets an acute accent) says he's editor of Brooklyn Review #15 (scheduled to be published next Spring), the literary journal of Brooklyn College, "where I'm an MFA candidate in creative writing. A graduate of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, I've had non-fiction, fiction and poetry published in numerous places. I've worked as a journalist in Washington, D.C., caretaker of a cattle farm in West Virginia, canvasser for Oregon Fair Share in Portland, and cab driver in Bergen County, N.J., my native turf. I now teach composition at Brooklyn College and New York City Technical College, CUNY, and edit the on-line publication Room Temperature, a section of the GRIST On-Line cooperative.
My long poetry cycle, The UFOs of October, was recently published in the Jennifer Dorn-edited Sniper Logic #5, and my last two chapbooks are Nine from Metronome (Pisces Press) and Nectar (The Norton Coker Press). I live in Brooklyn with my wife Gae Riser. Robert's website is at
A new home page has been dedicated to 81-year-old English poet David Gascoyne, who provided the introduction to Kenneth Patchen's book, Outlaw of the Lowest Planet and brought translations of the French surrealists to the English-speaking world in the '30s and '40s. This page can be found at
Charley Plymell's site has a poem written for Allen the day Allen died plus photos taken by his wife, Pam. The URL:
Ide Hintze of Vienna, Austria, who says he is director of the Vienna School of Poetry, plans to attend the June 3, 1998, Allen Ginsberg Memorial event in the Central Park Bandshell, where he hopes to perform his "body-sound poetry". In charge of The Black Box Network website at, he says he has written a song based on Allen's Kaddish.
Jordan Green, writes Ron Whitehead, is "The Young Mover-Shaker Poet-Writer" (his novel, Terra Firma U.S.A. by Soft Skull Press in New York is one of the best novels by a new young voice since Jack Kerouac). Also a publisher (his bops crack boom! press is publishing my The Beaver Dam Rocking Chair Marathon in June) And an organizer of events. He's a former skateboarder (age maybe 23). I met him at a Monterey, Kentucky, firehouse reading in 1992 which Jordan organized shortly after his father was killed in a farming accident. Wendell Berry, Ed McClanahan, & I read at a benefit for Jordan's BlackMail Press. He is presently performing at least a dozen projects including Editor-in-Chief of Antioch's Newspaper. He's worked side by side with me producing events from New York City to New Orleans & beyond. He has been & certainly will be one of small handful of the main players of his generation." Jordan himself adds: "Tilt-A-Whirl Press is Kentucky Straight, a press for out-of-step hillbilly kids that keeps true to the rebellious edge of youth and the folk tradition of rural southern music. This press is all about the defining experiences of hard work and hard love. We put out books for the ones cast adrift, uprooted and set loose in bleak cities, to the ones who toss and turn all night on Greyhound buses, to the ones who know the futility of car wheels turning on gravel roads, to the ones with tenacity, hard focused eyes looking straight ahead, to the ones with guts and heart. Jordan Green, editor of Tilt-A-Whirl Press, is also author of "Murkland", a collection of Kentucky River poems to be published by Hozomeen Press in 1998. Jordan Green is also fiction editor at Southern Exposure. Tilt-A-Whirl's first release was Blue Collar Boom, an anthology of working class poets put out in 1996. In June 1998, we plan to release Beaver Dam Rocking Chair Marathon by Ron Whitehead, an autobiographical gem that marks compassion and bastard defiance as the touch stones of heroic myth in the coming-of-age of a man in the western Kentucky coal fields." Tilt-A-Whirl Press is at
2. Blacks and Jews Newspage
THE BEATLES Mike Markowski's Page:
Every bit as comprensive as Mike Markowski's Beatles page is the "official" rec.muis.beatles' homepage at , which will tell you everything on the net that you want to know about the Beatles and maybe even more.
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:21:40 -0700 (PDT)
From: charles sheppard
Subject: your web-site
Just came across your web-site today. . .I found it so exciting I added it to my literary link list page. I hope you don't mind. If so, let me know and I will remove it promptly.
I'm going to take my time to read your web-site over the next few days and weeks. At this precise moment I am at work so I can't browse as much as I would like.
Visit my web-site. Tell me what you think. It is brand new and I haven't posted any artwork up yet but you can still get the feel of what I aim to do. . . ##
Be cool, stay warm
Charles Atlas Sheppard
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